OEM Mobile Brand's Mistakes & Outcomes Explained : Poor branding strategy

There was a time when Colors Mobile directly challenged  Samsung in Nepali mobile market. In 2013, Samsung was greatly hit by home brand Colors in budget segment. Colors had secured second largest brand in Nepali market. This same market scenario was seen in the Indian market too. Indian OEM brand Micromax was listed in the top ten mobile shipment. Immediately after 2013, OEM brand started facing
problem in their sales and slowly they losing market share.  What may be the main reason behind their market share loss? Let’s find out some relevance answers.
        I.                         More focused on Quantity rather than Quality:
OEM brand are skimmed profit since 2011 to 2014. At that time, they were happy enough because there was no competitive demand by consumer. All consumers were first time mobile user. They really do not have depth understanding about smartphone. They were happy because they were getting smartphone at their budget. So also, companies were also busy launching new models every week or months so that they can penetrate market through quantity not quality. The major drawback done by OEM is that they never concern about brand building strategy. They followed mistake formula, more sales build stronger brand. They never treat brand as a persona so that people used their product one time but they never recalled their brand or say perceived brand as premium brand.
      II.                   Poor Service : Negative customer dissatisfaction
OEM brand never promised stronger customer after sales service. Their service is so poor that people becoming more dissatisfied and slowly loosing trust toward any brand. Service is one factor that can retain customer for longer period of time. If they were excelled in service then they would win customers heart. Customer retention rate is so low that this lead to long run trouble to brand. So that Micromax rebranding their image through heavy marketing expenditure to regain their image and retain their existing costumer.
    III.            Rise of Chinese Companies: Better value for Money
At the end of 2014, Huawei and Gionee enters in Indian and Nepali market with better specs, looks and promising hardware. Then after, the countdown of OEM brand started. Initially Gionee and Coolpad used to make smartphone for Colors and Micromax. But, they decide to sell their own Brand name instead of supplying phones to ODM. As a result, they clearly segment their market above budget segment. It leads to keep better brand image and perception towards them. Also, they started to provide better hardware, latest android system, better design at affordable than Samsung. So the pool of consumer who are dissatisfied with OEM started using those brand and feel satisfied. I mean, MNC brand able to retain customer satisfaction, they don’t only sell phone but also sell their brand value.
    IV.            Unpopular segmentation:  Budget tagline
Indian OEM brand like Micromax, Lava, Intex, Karbon and Nepali Brand Colors segmented their product portfolio in the budget category. I mean they were popularly known for cheap android phone brand. It kills them. Selling cheap or focusing on budget category does not make a strong premium brand. They should focus on premium segment or upper budget segment specifically above 30k segment so make brand perception in long run. As a customer, now I cannot find any smartphone costing above 25k of any OEM brand. They are falling in the cheap brand trap. They cannot able to come out from that trap. They need to think it about two or three year before where they were top sellers. At that time, they focused in budget category and happy in quantity sells. They trapped in their decision.  To build a successful brand, always target loyal premium customer not budget customer. Budget customer helps to increase turnover not brand image. This lesson is clearly learn by Huawei and One plus but Xiaomi also trapped in their cheap segmentation now.  
This is the high time realizing wrong decision  done in before 3 year time. They were happy in quantity not quality and long run strategy. Now, they have two option; Re-branding their image or diversifying their product portfolio. If correct steps not started now, they may disappear from mobile market fro two to three year down the tine.    

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